
Sidewall offers 7 possible compounds for its rubber:

AY: Standard abrasion-resistant rubber ( Y Grade – DIN 22102 / RMA II ). Working Temperature range -20 +60°C.

AW: Extra abrasion-resistant and Cold resistant rubber ( W grade – DIN 22102 / RMA I ). Working Temperature range -50 +60°C.

HR130 Heat resistant rubber for continuous service up to 130°C with peaks of 150°C

HR150 Heat resistant rubber for continuous service up to 150°C with peaks of 180°C OR Oil and grease resistant rubber. This rubber guarantees a good belt resistance against the chemically aggressive effects due to the transport of materials with moderate oil presence, like corn, fertilizers and solid urban waste materials. Working Temperature range -20 +60°C.

FRK Self-extinguish rubber according ISO 340, equivalent Grade K DIN 22102. Working Temperature range -20 +60°.

ORK Mild Oil resistant, Self-extinguish rubber according ISO 340, equivalent Grade K DIN 22102. This rubber guarantees a good belt resistance against the chemically aggressive effects due to the transport of materials with moderate oil presence, like corn, fertilizers and solid urban waste materials. Working Temperature range -20 +60°.